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Senba Sensing Technology Co., Ltd.
Henan, China
Sản Phẩm chính: Cảm biến PIR, LDR, mô-đun PIR, cảm biến ánh sáng, bộ lọc hồng ngoại

About Senba

Founded in 2005 and listed on Gem board of Shenzhen Exchange in 2017, Senba has more than 18 years of professional experience in the field of sensor manufacturing. Senba is the leading enterprice in the field of Pyroelectric infrared sensors, visible light sensors in China. And it is the first market share and an annual production of 524.26 million sensors.

With the concept of "Intelligent Sensing, Intelligent Life", we strive to build a world-class sensor brand.

Main Categories

Cảm biến hồng ngoại PIR
Bộ lọc hồng ngoại
Cảm biến nhiệt điện
Cảm biến ngọn lửa

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